Endorsement Request - Asahi Beer
Dear Asahi,

As you are probably more than aware, many of your competitors in Japan are paying big dollars to
American celebrities to endorse their products. Brad Pitt, David Beckham, George Clooney and Bill
Murray (in that movie, “Lost in Translation”) are just a few examples of this effective advertising
trend in your home market.

Movie stars and world-famous athletes may help move product in Japan, but think how much
product you could move with commercials featuring the future President of the United States of
America! Your biased press coverage is probably focusing on John McCain, Barack Obama and
Hillary Clinton, but back here in the States there’s a lot of buzz and excitement around my


I like beer, I like your beer and I’d really like it if somebody would pay me to drink it. Just to be above
board on this, you should not expect any advantages in trade negotiations for your beer when I
become President, and of course our commercial relationship will have to end in November after I’
m elected. But until then, you should be able to kick up your brewing capacity because demand for
your beer will go through the roof once you start running ads that feature me.

Get back to me when you can with your initial proposal, I won’t be coy so you should know I’m
expecting lots of zeroes (after an integer, of course) in your offer.

Brad Willard